Work With Us


Volunteering with Uday is a great way to learn more about the Waldorf education system and philosophy, to be part of a community with shared values and to share your skills and time. It can be a very enriching experience. We welcome volunteers who can engage with the school for a fixed period of time by helping in the day to day activities of the schools or helping to organise events. The annual Uday carnival is one such event that has wide community ownership and attracts many volunteers especially from the parent community of Uday but outsiders too. You can also engage with us on a one-off basis sharing your skills, organising a workshop for the Uday community etc. To know more get in touch.


We also welcome interns to provide opportunities for them to develop their perspective and skills related to Waldorf education. Get in touch if you wish to know more about interning with us.


Since the school is in a growth phase we are always looking for new teachers to join the family for kindergarten and grades. All Uday teachers must complete Waldorf teacher training and must be willing to travel outside of Jaipur for this purpose. To apply please email us at